Results are out!
End of year results have been published for students in Year 8 moving to secondary school in Kenya.
Over 1 million students, aged 14, took the end of primary KCPE exam this year:
- 0.8% achieved Top Marks (above 400 out of 500 marks)
- 29% achieved Above Average (between 300 and 400)
We are very proud to announce that Volunteers Foundation students did very well overall. We'd like to give a special mention for:
- Nowel, whose marks are in the top 0.8%, and
- Asha, Delphine, John, Maurine and Clifford who are in the top 29% group.
After such challenging year, when schools in Kenya have been closed for nine months, this is such an incredible result. In a local low-tech environment, we and our partnering schools had to come up with ingenious ways of distance learning. Lessons and homework were delivered through a combination of pre-recorded video via YouTube and contents delivered via Google Forms, Text, WhatsApp and voice calls.
Once again, the extraordinary work of passionate volunteers together with our devoted local VF team supported by our generous sponsors is paying off. This is VF mission at its best! And this is why we are making a real impact in Kibera!
Thanks to everybody involved. If you want to know more about our activities, please follow this link:
If you want to make a donation to help us keep changing children lives, click here.